Page Title

  Amnesia -July 2014

The video of the song Amnesia from the album "4 Funerals and No Wedding". An online collaboration with the talented lyricist and poet Michael Landrio.

  A Christmas Gift - December 2013

Christmas time is time of giving of gifts but did Jesus get His gift?

  The Making of Senaigalin Karthar

The making of the Senaigalin Karthar CD with recordings in India, Italy and USA. Youtube Channel

  A Tribute to Mother's love

A short 1 minute promo

  Useful links Youtube Channel

  Nigher - July 2013

A fun song in Bergamasc dialect featuring Silvia Capelli(Lyrics), Eduardo Buono , Barbara Boldrini and Nitin.

Nigher Un Tempo per Integrazione
The music video "Nigher " in the Bergamasc dialect of northern Italy, won the viewers choice award in the 7th edition of "Un Tempo per Integrazione " Short Film Festival. The award was given by the newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo.

A message of love in a trilingual song. Featuring Alida, Nitin and Josiah

Just Pretend a song from the album New Land

The story of the birth/beginning of . This is also the making of the album Niraivana Parisu which started the online music production.