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  The Secret of True Life wins at the UKCFF 2014

UK Christian Short Film Festival    "Secret to True Life" won the "Best Christian short film for Children" award at the "2014 UK Christian Short Film Festival"

Please visit the UK Christian Film Festival Website

   Nigher at the 7th Edition of UTI short film festival 2013

Nigher Un Tempo per Integrazione
The music video "Nigher " in the Bergamasc dialect of northern Italy, won the viewers choice award in the 7th edition of "Un Tempo per Integrazione " Short Film Festival. The award was given by the newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo.

   Nigher in the Italian press

Nigher in the Italian press
The music video "Nigher " in the Bergamasc dialect of northern Italy, got a lot of press attention both for the video itself and also for the concerts featuring the song. From the local edition of the biggest newspaper in Italy Corriere della Sera to L'Eco di Bergamo to BergamoNews wrote multiple print and online articles. It is very rare to hear a foreigner sing in a local dialect.

  Agape CD on the Hindu

Agape on the Hindu Agape managed to catch the attention of the press. The Hindu, one of the most important newspapers of India, wrote a review about the album both on print and on the Hindu website . Please go to the Agape page for more info