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is a collection of 10 Tamil Christian songs straight from the heart. It was recorded in 3 continents with the production done entirely on the internet as Jasinthan the singer/songwriter lives in Canada, Josiah the music producer lives in Italy and many musicians used for this production live in India.

Niraivana Parisu
  • Jasinthan- Vocalist and songwriter
  • Josiah Heflin: Music production, Keyboards and some percussion
  • Alessio R: Guitar
  • C Raju: Keyboards
  • Nathan: Bamboo flutes
  • Bharathi: Dilruba
  • Samson: Recording in India
  • SeventhSound studios (India) and PotaRock studios in Italy
  • Helen and Ben co-ordinators in India
Please listen to some songs .....


Please check out the video (1 minute and 26 seconds) below on the making of Niraivana Parisu.



   Jasinthan is an upcoming singer songwriter from Toronto's Tamil Christian community. To Jasinthan, song writing is the “niraivaana parisu”, meaning “the perfect gift” given to him by the Lord.

Check out Jasinthan's page on the Rapture reords site

  Useful links


For info about Josiah's own albums please visit